Dealing With Respiratory Allergies

Respiratory issues can be extremely difficult for people of all ages. This problem can make it difficult to breathe, leading to scary, painful, and even life-threatening issues.

Respiratory allergies are one of the main causes of lung issues. While challenging, these types of allergic reactions can be managed, but it starts with the right knowledge.

man breathing

What are Respiratory Allergies?

Not all allergies are the same. Some people have allergies that are triggered by food. Peanuts, for example, are a common allergen that causes numerous health complications among a small portion of people.

Allergies can be triggered by something we eat, or even something we touch. Respiratory allergies, however, are triggered by something we inhale.

respiratory system

Respiratory allergies refer to allergic reactions that are triggered by any substance that is inhaled. It can cause problems across the respiratory tract, including the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs.

Rhinitis, an inflammation of the lining in the nose and nasal passage, is one of the symptoms of respiratory allergies. Allergic rhinitis is marked by sneezing, congestion, runny nose, and itchiness. Respiratory allergies can also cause watery eyes along with itchiness and swelling. The symptoms can seem similar to the common cold.

If left untreated, respiratory allergies can cause allergic asthma, bringing with it shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest.

The Different Types of Respiratory Allergens

To understand respiratory allergies, you need to realize that there are many different substances that can trigger allergic symptoms.

Called “allergens,” these substances can come from many different sources, and various people will have different reactions. The allergens can be numerous, but let’s look at a few of the most common sources of respiratory allergies.

dust allergens


This is an extremely common allergy, largely because dust is so common in homes and buildings. Dust is made from many different particles, so it’s somewhat of a catch-all for loose particulates that float in the air and settle in different locations. Dust can be made from skin cells, fibers from carpet and cloth, pet dander, and many other sources, but for the most part it’s simply dirt. Dust, when floating in the air, can be breathed in, triggering respiratory allergies.


Mold is another common substance that is found in many homes across the country. However, it’s not the mold itself that causes most respiratory issues, but the mold spores. To reproduce, mold releases spores into the air. These extremely small, light spores float in the air until gravity pulls them down. If they land in a welcoming location, one that has water, nutrients, and the right temperatures, they can grow into a colony. When inhaled, mold spores can trigger problems for people, even ones who don’t have allergies. However, mold spores are particularly harmful if someone is allergic.

Pet Dander

It’s not the pet’s hair that triggers the most allergies, but the pet’s skin cells, or dander, that is the problem. People with pet allergies have problems when they breathe in these tiny particles, triggering their body’s immune system into action.

dandelion pollen


Commonly known as hay fever, pollen allergies can be extremely difficult for many people. When trees and grasses release their pollen, it can be a difficult time for allergy sufferers. While most think of spring, the fall months can also be a tough season for people with respiratory allergies. Breathing in pollen brings many issues for allergy sufferers, leading people to avoid the outdoors when pollen levels are particularly high.

What Causes Respiratory Allergies?

It’s a curious question.

Why do some people develop allergies while others don’t?

Why do everyday items like peanuts, animal dander, and latex become nearly life-threatening to some people?

Why do some people’s immune systems overreact to specific substances that are otherwise harmless?

There are a number of risk factors that have become associated with the development of allergies. The most obvious one is family history. If you have parents or grandparents with allergies, it is more likely that you will develop this problem yourself.

Cigarette smoke is another potential risk factor. It’s believed that children who grow up in homes with cigarette smoke are more likely to develop allergies of various types.

Studies have also showed that bottle-fed babies are more likely to develop allergies. Research shows that children who are fed formula from bottles, and not breast-fed, are more likely to suffer complications in health, including allergies. This could be linked to bio-reactive factors in mother’s milk, but the exact causes are still being researched.

It’s also been found that births during periods of high pollen could result in higher levels of respiratory problems. A study published in Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology found that high levels of pollen exposure during the late periods of pregnancy is correlated with higher levels of asthma and other respiratory issues.

As the frequency of allergy diagnosis increases, it is possible that awareness and medical advances are causing a spike. As more people are aware of allergies, and as doctors are better able to diagnose the condition, it stands to reason that more people will be diagnosed. If this theory is true,

Respiratory allergies are one of the main causes of lung issues. While challenging, these types of allergic reactions can be managed, but it starts with the right knowledge.

coughing from respiratory allergies

Preventing Respiratory Allergy Problems

If you have respiratory issues, what can you do to avoid the problem and maintain your health and wellbeing?

A lot will depend on your specific allergies, which means you need to understand your allergen and take steps to avoid those substances.

If your respiratory allergies come from pollen, for example, be sure to stay informed during pollen season. When pollen levels are high, it may be wise to avoid these areas, as this can reduce your exposure and keep you from having allergic reactions.

If you have allergies from pet dander, you’ll need to take steps to avoid exposure to certain animals. You may have to skip get-togethers at homes with pets, and if you have a pet of your own, don’t let them in the bedroom, as this can cause increase the frequency and severity of your problems.

Mold allergies can be prevented by maintaining a home that is free of mold and mildew. Of course, this is a necessary measure for all people, but it’s particularly important for allergy sufferers.

Creating Clean Indoor Air for Allergy Sufferers

One of the most important things you can do for allergy sufferers is to create clean indoor air.

Again, this means taking measured steps based on the specific allergen. However, maintaining clean air will, in general, result in better breathing conditions for everyone.

In turn, this could lead to better health for allergy sufferers.

First, be sure to keep a clean home by vacuuming floors and cleaning dust. This will remove a large portion of the particles that bother allergy sufferers, and will also create a home that is more pleasing. Since dust is largely made of outdoor particles, keeping floor mats near entryways can also make a difference. Be sure to have people take off their shoes to reduce tracked-in dust.

If you haven’t already, make your home a non-smoking section. As everyone knows, secondhand smoke can be harmful for people of all ages, so keeping it outside (or quitting!) is a healthy choice.

With these efforts, you can have better health for your entire family.

Air Purifiers for Allergies

To keep your home free of allergens, you should also consider using one of the best purifiers for allergies.

Max HEPA Air Purifier

If you want to have healthy lungs with fewer allergy problems, consider adding the Max HEPA air purifier to your home. You’ll get the air purifier that was rated #1 in a large study conducted by the University of Clemson. This purifier removes 99% of airborne particles, and it’s a great choice for offices, living rooms, and bedrooms. By combining a HEPA filter with activated carbon, this purifier is versatile and powerful, removing a wide variety of allergens.

OV200 Air Purifier

Built to remove 98% of airborne allergens and particles, the OV200 is a slight, compact purifier that delivers excellent results. It has HEPA and carbon filtration, and despite the smaller size, it can effectively clean a room measuring 400 square feet. This makes it a great addition to any home with allergy sufferers.

EJ Air Purifier

If you are looking for one of the most advanced air purifiers on the market, you should seriously consider the EJ120 Air Purifier. This powerful machine can effectively clean a room measuring up to 1,500 square feet, making it ideal for offices and large home areas, such as open living rooms and basements. It has a medical-grade HEPA filter, so you can count on the EJ to remove many of the particles that give you allergy problems.

Allergy Relief - Find the Right Air Purifier with Oransi

You can have the right air purifier for your home by working with the team at Oransi. With a full selection of top-quality purifiers, we know how to make sure you have a clean home with fewer allergens!

When respiratory allergies are a problem, let Oransi help with world-class air purifiers.

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