How Oransi Air Purifiers Eliminate The Dangers Of Dust

Dust is a serious problem in most households and workspaces. Yet, many people don’t realize the severity of having dust particles pile up in the nooks and crannies of the places you spend most their time. For allergy and asthma sufferers, the dangers are substantial, as the contents of dust and dust mites provide numerous triggers for detrimental health conditions.

Below is a rundown of how dust accumulates, why it’s harmful, and how an air purifier can alleviate dust concerns, once and for all.

What Is Dust?

Dust is a common term, used to describe a combination of numerous microscopic particles that accumulate over time. Although the contents of dust differ, depending on the area, most dust clusters contain a combination of pollen, mold spores, insect parts, ash, dead skin flakes and dust mites (microscopic insects that thrive in hot and damp environments).

Depending on the contents, dust particles vary by size, offering various combinations of harmful air pollutants.

Harmful Side Effects Of Dust

Without precaution, combinations of harmful dust particles can end up taking over your house and may potentially trigger numerous health problems.

Certain reactions to dust can result in short-term sickness or allergy attacks, while others can escalate into serious lung damage, lung disease and even silicosis. Initial symptoms from dust entering into your immune system include:

Allergy Outbreaks

Allergy Outbreaks

Asthma Attacks

Asthma Attacks

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of Breath

Sore Throat

Sore Throat



Chest Pain

Chest Pain

Loss Of Appetite

Loss Of Appetite

Excess Mucus

Excess Mucus

To prevent dangerous symptoms from setting in, there are numerous ways to cleanse your living space of dust and dust mites. However, while sweeping and vacuuming can remove a wave of dust, those harmful particles recollect in no time. See where dust comes from. A long-term solution is key to complete dust removal.

Air Purifiers Prevent Dust Build-Up

The best way to remove dust for good is with an Oransi Air Purifier, equipped with the highest-rated HEPA filters on the market. All of our high-efficiency air purifier models include multiple filters for maximum cleansing. We have optimized our filters to provide the best air cleaning for dust removal. Don't take our word for it. Clemson University rated our air filters #1 in an independent study as have others.

Below is an example of how our Max Air Purifier uses 3 Stage Filtration to remove dust particles from unhealthy air:


Collects Largest Particles & Enhances Other Filters


v-HEPA Filter

Captures Dust, Allergens & Solid Particles


Activated Carbon Filter

Traps Chemicals, Gases, Smoke & More


Assembled HEPA Filter

If your home or office is collecting more dust than ever and the side effects are starting to hamper your daily routine, do something to help your health. Use any of our Air Purifiers For Dust where you spend the most time. Then, relax, as your Oransi air purifier provides the clean, fresh air your lungs have been craving.

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