General Health,Tips

EPA Offers Tools To Help Schools Improve Air Quality

EPA helps schools

As many Oransi users already know, we recommend our Air Purifiers For Children, because we know they’ll make a huge difference in their health. After all, children have smaller lung capacity than adults and in turn intake nearly 50% more air. That’s why we offer high-performance HEPA air purifiers, to ensure the air they’re breathing in the cleanest air possible.

We’re not alone in our air quality concerns for the next generations.

Schools Improve Air Quality

On their website, the US EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) offers ‘Healthy Environments For Schools,’ a educational center offering guidance on how school districts can strategically eliminate the issues hindering their air quality and potentially the output of their students. After all, more than 10 million school days are lost each year due to sickness and for students with asthma or allergies, poor air quality can trigger their sensitivities.  It’s clear schools need to improve air quality.

That’s why one the main assets the EPA provides is their IAQ Tools for Schools. In the free instructional program, they provide Key Drivers, Technical Solutions and the Action Kit.

 EPA Air control graphic

The Key Drivers offer programmatic strategies to help develop and sustain school environmental health and safety initiatives (Organize, Communicate, Assess, Plan, Act & Evaluate), while the Technical Solutions offer detailed explanations of the common issues schools need to address (HVAC, Moisture & Mold, Cleaning & Maintenance, Materials Selection, Source Control & Energy Efficiency). The Action Kit simply offers guidance on how educational environments can properly implement the Key Drivers and Technical Solutions and receive full air quality revitalization.

Upon digging into the details of how each action plan works, school superintendents and teachers should have no problem understanding why 60,000 school districts have implemented an indoor air quality management plan to keep students and staff healthy. Impressive numbers, to say the least.

For more information on how to put the EPA IAQ Tools For Schools in place in your locale, read the full details on their website. For schools looking to take further precautionary tactics to keep air quality healthy as possible, any of our Air Purifiers For Children can be placed strategically in classrooms, to ensure the air quality remains safe and removes 98-99.99% of air pollutants in the area.

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