Disease,General Health

New Study Finds Air Purifiers Prevent Heart Disease

air purifiers help heart disease

Can air purifiers help your heart condition? We’ve got some good news. According to new studies, anyone with poor heart health may benefit from using indoor air purifiers.

Although the study can’t definitively say an air purifier will prevent heart attacks or other major coronary or artery diseases, Dr. Sanjay Rajagopalan of the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore says that his studies on Chinese college students prove several risk factors for heart disease dissipate greatly when air purifiers are implemented and fine particulates are removed from the air.

For the new study, Renjie Chen and Ang Zhao of Fudan University in Shanghai and colleagues had 35 healthy college students in Shanghai randomly use real or fake air purifiers in their dorm rooms for 48 hours. Two weeks later, the students spent another two days using whichever type they hadn’t used the first time.

China has one of the highest levels of air pollution in the world.

The target air pollution level set by the World Health Organization is 35 micrograms of tiny particles per cubic meter – but daily air pollution in major cities in Asia often exceed 100 to 500 micrograms per cubic meter, Rajagopalan writes in his editorial.

Air purification in the students’ rooms reduced air pollution by 57 percent, from about 96 micrograms per cubic meter to about 41 micrograms per cubic meter, the researchers say.

When the students had the real air purifiers in their rooms, they had significant improvements in several measures of inflammation and blood clotting.

They also had some significant decreases in blood pressure and a reduction in a measure of airway inflammation known as exhaled nitrous oxide.

The researchers also found some improvements in lung function and blood vessel constriction, but those findings may have been due to chance.

“You’d have to take the results of these studies as good supportive evidence that these strategies would work,” Rajagopalan told Reuters Health.

We often point out how our air purifiers are specifically designed to remove all the minuscule, fine particles polluting our air. Seeing this study only reinforces we’ve been targeting the proper initiative.

Our purifiers aren’t made to cure your health problems, they’re made to prevent you from experiencing them in the first place. So, if you’re of age and live an area with poor air quality or don’t exercise regularly, take the proper preventative measures against heart disease and add any of our HEPA Air Purifiers to your lifestyle. By breathing in air that contains 99% less fine particulate matter, you won’t only be proactively helping your health, you’ll be sleeping better and in turn feeling better all day long.

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